
Surpass News

Back to School with Surpass: Frequently Asked Questions

If you are beginning a new school year with Surpass, welcome back to school! Here is a collection of articles from our Surpass Support Knowledgebase that will answer your most common back-to-school questions and get you up and running to serve your school community this year.

Advance Patron Grades

Question: How do I advance all students to the next grade level?

Find the answer here:

Remove Obsolete Local Addresses 

Question: In my drop-down list of Local Addresses, I see some names of teachers who are no longer here who are entered incorrectly. How do I clear these out?

Find the answer here:

Expired patrons

Question: When I try to check out materials, I always get a warning that says the patron’s account has expired, and it asks me if I would like to override this warning. How can I keep from getting this message?

Find the answer here:

Due Date set to today’s date - Final Due Dates

Question: When I check out books, the due date comes up as today’s date instead of the correct due date. How do I fix this?

Find the answer here:

Share Surpass patron records with other schools

Question: I need to promote students from my school to the upper school, exporting their Surpass patron records to send to the upper school. I also need to import student records for incoming students sent to me by the lower school. How can I do this?

Find the answer here:

Import student records into Surpass using Pimport

Question: How can I import student records from my school’s administrative software, instead of adding and updating them all by hand? I have never done this before.

Find the answer here:

Additional Resources

Video recordings of past webinars are available at Check out the topic on Inventory and End-of-Year Tasks. Those “End of Year” tasks covered happen in between school years, whether you complete them at the end of the previous year or at the beginning of the new year. You may also want to watch Surpass Central for Beginners if you are new to Surpass or need a review of the basics (cataloging, printing labels, circulating, etc.), or Customizing Safari for advice on sprucing up your public catalog for students and teachers!

Access and click Learn for additional learning resources such as video tutorials, user guides, and the entire Surpass Knowledgebase.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Surpass Support for help with any of your back-to-school needs.

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