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Surpass 6.30 contains many new features and enhancements inspired by the Wish List. Keep those ideas coming!
The new Notes tab on Patron Add/Edit allows you to enter and view free-form notes on patrons. There is no practical limit to the number or size of notes. Notes are arranged by date (newest to oldest) and include the names of the logged in users who wrote them.
The new Reading Program Labels feature in Materials Reports allows you to print labels with Accelerated Reader, Scholastic Reading Counts and Lexile information. You can chose from a variety of label formats and even customize the layout of the information on the label.
Some of the other Wish List-inspired enhancements include:
Surpass 6.20 includes many other enhancements and bug fixes. Select your software from the Download Updates & Documentations section on the left to see the complete "What's New" list.
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