
Surpass News

Join the Migration to Surpass Cloud

Surpass for Windows users now upgraded to and enjoying the benefits of the new cloud-based software.

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We’re reaching out to you with some news about your Surpass product.
As it nears the third anniversary of its launch, Surpass Cloud is our most-popular library software offering ever, with most Surpass for Windows users now upgraded to and enjoying the benefits of the new cloud-based software.
We’re inviting you to upgrade to Surpass Cloud. The migration is simple—many upgrades take less than an hour, depending on the number of patrons and materials you have—and the team here at Surpass handles it for you.

Why should you upgrade?

Here are two of the benefits, which you and your IT team will love:
arrow Zero IT load!
No software to update or server to maintain, since we host everything;
arrow Access from anywhere
Access the public catalog and administrative features on any modern device, including tablets, phones, and Chromebooks, from any location with an internet connection.
Do you have questions? We understand. Check out the FAQ on this page. We’re also glad to demo the software for you.
learn more cta
If you're ready to move over now, all you need to do is click the button below. We'll be in touch to complete your upgrade.
ready cta

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