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Surpass Central gets a new clean and modern look in Surpass 8. All of the power is still there, but we have hidden away the visual clutter to help you focus on the task at hand.
For example, take a look at the toolbar when editing Materials in the prior version:
It looks like there is a lot going on there but most of those buttons are dimmed out and disabled. The only ones that matter when editing are Links (to add web and other links), Cancel, and Save.
Now here's how it looks editing that same record in the new Surpass Central:
The visual clutter of those disabled buttons is hidden, so the options that matter to you are easy to find. Even minor details such as the position of the buttons above the editing area have been taken into consideration.
You'll see improvements such as these throughout Surpass Central. If you're an "old hand" at Surpass, you'll feel right at home -- everything you use is still there in (pretty much) the same place. For new users, such as new members of your staff, Surpass Central appears more welcoming and easier to learn.
Surpass 8 is available for download the from SurpassSupport.com. Select "Your Software" from the top menu. Licensed Surpass Central users with an active Surpass Support subscription will be able to download the update here at no cost as a part of their subscription. Surpass Hosting Service users will be updated automatically and do not need to take any action.
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